How much Zrii should be consumed in a day?

The optimal serving size of Zrii is one ounce consumed 1 to 3 times a day. This amount was set by Zrii’s Scientific Advisory Board to offer a safe and physiologically significant serving level that can be enjoyed by a broad cross-section of individuals. Ayurveda recommends breaking up the serving levels throughout the day (i.e. one ounce taken three times per day) to have a deeper effect within the body.

Is it possible to consume too much of the botanicals in Zrii?

First and foremost, Zrii is a food-grade beverage. In toxicology studies, none of the seven botanicals in Zrii have been shown to be toxic when taken in large amounts.

Should Zrii be consumed on an empty stomach or with food?

This is really a matter of preference. One may notice that drinking Zrii before food allows them to feel the unique effects of the botanicals more quickly. This is because the drink enters the bloodstream more rapidly when consumed on an empty stomach.

When consuming Zrii with food, the active components will be digested along with it, driving them deeper into the tissues through the digestive process. In either scenario, the body will receive the nutritional benefits of the active ingredients. For individuals experiencing more deeply rooted or longstanding imbalances of the body, taking Zrii with food may assist the delivery process more effectively.

What if someone experiences stomach sensitivity when taking Zrii?

Given the significant amounts of the botanicals, some people may respond differently to the individual digestive herbs because of each person’s unique physiological makeup. The drink is designed to enliven the overall metabolism of the body, and the enzymatic process actually begins as soon as the drink hits the tongue.

For people sensitive to the digestive herbs, we recommend diluting the drink with an equal part water. This changes the metabolism/absorption of the overall drink, making it less apt to cause unwanted digestive effects. In this case, we also recommend drinking Zrii with food. (Gradually increase the amount once the symptoms subside.)

Signs of digestive sensitivity may include gas, bloating, loose stools, or a mild heating sensation in the stomach.

Can Zrii be taken with prescription medications?

Individuals taking medications or with pre-existing medical conditions consult their primary care physician before consuming Zrii (or any nutritional supplement). Zrii has not been clinically tested for prescription drug interactions or specific disease conditions. The Scientific Advisory Board of Zrii (of which some members are Western medical doctors) is currently not aware of any negative interactions between Zrii and prescription medications.

Can Zrii be consumed by someone who uses blood thinning or blood pressure medication?

Zrii has not been clinically tested for prescription drugs interactions or specific disease conditions. Therefore, the decision to consume Zrii while taking medications ultimately rests in the hands of the consumer and their primary care physician. Turmeric and ginger have known blood-thinning effects, but in reviewing the available scientific research, however, Zrii’s Scientific Advisory Board states that levels of these botanicals are well within the safety window for individuals taking these medications.

Is it safe for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding to consume Zrii?

Pregnant or lactating women should consult with their primary care physician before consuming Zrii. This recommendation is in line with general standards of healthcare in regards to the consumption of herbal supplements while pregnant or breast feeding.

Science in recent years has focused on the influences of antioxidant rich botanicals to potentially inhibit the absorption of iron, thus presenting a concern for pregnant or lactating women. In reviewing the available literature on Zrii’s botanicals, the Scientific Advisory Board feels that the levels are well within the window of safety for pregnant and lactating women. If an individual is particularly concerned about iron, the Scientific Advisory Board recommends consuming Zrii 30 minutes before eating.

In traditional Ayurvedic medicine, both amalaki and turmeric are widely used in pregnancy. These ingredients are traditionally thought to contribute to the overall good health of a baby.

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