Do you regularly go to the mailbox and collect the mail only to find a stack of bills every month? Are they getting you down? Wouldn’t it be nice to have help from a community of generous people during these tough economic times? What if this is the right time and the right venue to get the help to ease the feeling you have when you just can’t seem to get the things you need financially? Would you pass up a person extending their hand to help you? This is not a myth, no joke, no hype, no garbage that you will usually get from the internet! We are REAL people and we REALLY help others! Love the mailman, do not dread another full mailbox, our members enjoy the letters and the gifts.

If you guys are looking for another job, I’m sure a local restaurant is hiring. If you guys are looking for a lucrative career, the railroads and insurance companies are hiring. Just pick one. Now if you guys are looking for a way the to start building a fortune and complete time freedom, just inbox me. I can help you with that. I can at least show you how to get started, but I can’t make you do it. That’s your job!! Join me!

If your looking for a financial blessing or just some extra money, then this is the perfect option! ITS SIMPLY ABOUT BLESSING OTHERS AND SEWING A SEED. Luke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you. Over 56,000 individuals being blessed thru this organization daily. PEOPLE BLESSING PEOPLE!

I’m very excited about this organization I have joined. It has truly been a blessing for me and my family. I just wanted to take a second and reach out to you to share a blessing that was shared with me. Watch the video when you have time. I would like for you to look at my page at the people who have joined and are receiving cash gifts daily. REAL people are joining and being blessed.

This CASH to YOUR MAILBOX thing is REAL! Do you believe that if you give, it shall be given unto you? Do you believe in sowing & reaping? Do you believe in miracles and blessings? I DO!!

This is NOT a “set it and forget it” program. This is NOT a spill over and under program…BUT.. This IS a community of people HELPING each other REACH THEIR GOALS. SO if you like the collaboration of efforts then.. log on to

“Gifting” has changed countless lives for the better. People who were about to lose their cars and homes have been saved from financial ruin, college educations have been made possible, and nearly forgotten dreams have come true, all from participation in “Gifting”. “Gifting” is the fastest way I have found to legally and ethically generate cash.

It Gives Me So Much Joy When I Introduce Our Private Organization to People for the First Time and How They Just Light Up! It’s One Thing That’s Consistent About Successful People. We Do Not Have to See Evidence or Results. All We Need to See is the Opportunity. We Bring Our Own Vision! Then We Go and Get Results! By the Time You Skeptics See Our Evidence, We Are So Far Ahead of You Til It’s Actually Tiresome to Try and Start Over From the Beginning With You. This Is Why I Don’t Allow Skeptics On My Overflowing Blessed Team.

You know what I LOVE about SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE is that when you SHOW them something, they DON’T HAVE TO SEE PROOF or RESULTS…FIRST! They SEE THE OPPORTUNITY for WHAT IT IS! So if you see yourself as a SUCCESSFUL person, then go and SEE THE OPPORTUNITY

• Langlee Stubbs PowerPoint Presentation
– Once you open, choose “Slideshow” and then “Start from Beginning”

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