Our greatest sources of stress are money and health challenges, yet most people are oblivious to the ways in which their spending habits are squandering their earnings and their health. Thus they work harder to make more money, which increases their stress levels, end up being broke at a higher income level and perpetuate this cycle.

When their health begins to fail and their pain refuses to subside, they begin to pay attention to their lifestyle choices. Why wait until this happens? As the Dalai Lama wisely said:

“Man sacrifices his health in order to make money.
Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.
And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present;
the result being that he does not live in the present or the future;
he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”

If I told you that one of your innocent daily expenditures is costing you $1.6 Million would you believe me? I can almost hear you say “Are you crazy? I know that I don’t have this kind of money in my hands!” Indulge me for a moment, please. If you did have this money, would you: pay off your house? Send your children to a great college? Retire and travel?

Would you be willing to make a few minor adjustments that would give you all of that money back in your wallet as well as peace of mind? These crazy ideas are not for everyone. They are only for those of you who:

– have tried to save money before and ended up in more debt.
– have more days left at the end of the month than money in your bank account.
– stay awake at night wondering how to solve this problem with no solution in sight.

Here are 3 common expenses that are sapping your finances and your health:

Expense #1: ATM fees and bank fees.

You are charged $2-$5 every time you use an ATM that doesn’t belong to your bank. Other typical and quite costly bank fees are: over the limit check writing, NSF, under the balance fees. You are being penalized for accessing your money.

What to do instead:
1. Use your bank’s ATMs or branches for cash withdrawal.

2. Choose to deposit/invest your money with another bank with lower fees or with a credit union.

Expense #2: Dry cleaning.

Another invisible way to drain your resources. You can easily spend $10-$25 weekly and this adds up very quickly. Plus the chemicals used in this process can cause allergies and other health problems.

What to do instead:
1. Many silk and linen clothing items can be hand washed with a delicate laundry detergent and laid flat to dry.

2. Minimize your dry cleaning trips for a healthier wallet and immune system.

Expense #3: Cable subscription.

You can easily spend anywhere from $49 to $179 per month for this service, depending on the package that you have.

What to do instead:
1. How many times during the week did you surf your 250 or 500 channels only to realize that there was nothing worth watching?

2. How many hours per week do you spend watching TV? Do they amount to an unpaid part time job?

These are just three out of 21 ways in which you are spending your money unproductively, which are keeping you broke and stressed out.

Outsmart this one expense that is costing you $1.6 million! Check out “Money Management 101 – 21 Proven Money Saving Tips” at http://www.EasyStressSolutions.com/stress-relief-and-stress-management-tools/

To your stress-free, healthy, vibrant life!

Dr. Chrys Ghiraldini

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