The Joanna Vargas LED light therapy bed is termed the ‘time machine’ in the aesthetic field due to its anti-aging benefits. This bed uses 5000, red and infrared LED lights and is a safe and non-invasive approach to holistic face and body care. This advanced technology applies the healing properties of light along with treatments that use effective and natural skin care to nurture the skin towards glowing flawlessness that exudes healthy fitness.

When we begin to notice the first encroaching signs of age, lackluster sagging skin and fine lines, the race is on to primp and prime to retain a youthful look. One of the ways this is achieved is by stepping up a dedicated face care regime that includes natural botanical products. Another way is by pampering and nourishing the skin with holistic anti-aging facials, such as LED, at one of the best day spas in New York City, Joanna Vargas Salon, Skin Care Sanctuary.

This is where you will get a blend of advance spa treatments and natural skin care products and the best results without going under the knife.

Does LED cleanse the skin?

Ms. Vargas, gentle Vitamin C Face Cleanser with moisturizing hyaluronic acid and cell-regenerating galactoarabinan (GA) is generally applied to the skin prior to an LED treatment. The abundant nutrients in the face wash help release the dirt and excess oil from the pores that would block the full penetration of an LED facial. With this superior cleansing the infrared light is much more effective in healing damaged tissue and balancing overall cellular function.

What other benefits does LED offer?

LED therapy reduces pore size so the texture of the skin is noticeably more even and silken to the touch. Blemishes, age and liver spots rapidly fade with each facial. As a leading expert in the aesthetic field and author of the bestseller The Wrinkle Cure, Dr. Perricone recognizes the significant production of collagen and elastin with topical applications of infrared light.

These naturally occurring proteins that become depleted with age are undeniably vital for younger looking skin. When the entire body is exposed to this light as an LED bed treatment it eliminates stretch marks and cellulite leaving the skin completely smooth and velvety soft.

Where can I find an LED light bed treatment?

The LED light bed treatment is found exclusively at the Joanna Vargas Salon, Skincare Sanctuary in New York City. This is the only day spa that features this advanced skin care as relaxing horizontal therapy where the body is completely bathed in red and infrared light to reap the full anti-aging benefits. It is the absolute time machine in this regard because when you emerge from the LED bed you leave behind the signs of maturing skin that you entered with. A dull worn complexion is replaced with dramatic exuberance that turns heads.

This masterful approach to reversing age is nothing short of a youth-enhancing odyssey that gets the skin in top beautiful shape.

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