Many business do know that regardless that whether your business is one hour old or five years old, every business can qualify for business credit up to $50,000 and a grant up to $250,000 in. Grant money various “UP TO” the $250,000.00 and not a set amount. The biggest racket going are companies who are in the business that charge you money “to help you” get a loan! What a load of crap!
Businesses usually get declined for a loan or grant because they do not do the things to prove their business is strong, healthy. Many business owner turn to an attorney or a tax professional to help them get funding. However their fees are usually excessive.
Many businesses turn to lending brokers. What you must be aware of it that you still lose up to 45% that a lending brokers will charge you in back-end fees, along with the excessive application fees! These lending brokers do not care if you get funded or not. Lending brokers are a big dollar business because they smell desperation. Whether you get funded or not, they laugh all the way to the bank!
For instance a company wanted to charge an aspiring business owner $1500 – $2500 to do their business plan! Are you kidding me?!!! If you click here you will see that this software can do the same thing for less than $200. This software can create your business plan and executive summary professionally, and build it in a a way that is readily lender compliant. You can save thousands of dollars!
Banks are all about risk management and want to eliminate as much exposure to risk as possible. A business owner should ask themselves what they can do to eliminate risk for the banks. You must realize that there a thousands of businesses begging for loans. You must appear to be the least credit risk? Just getting a business plan won’t get you anything. You must have a combination of things put together.
I recommended creating a second website that was specifically targeting lenders SPECIFICALLY with information banks want to see. For instance if you click here, you will see the company I recommend where you can get a website created and hosted. It only cost $20 and you are up and running in MINUTES!! A web developer could charge you $10-$40 an hour and they probably will tell you that it takes about 40 hours to do!
When banks decline you for credit, the problem is that they don’t give you a specific reason as to why. All they say is something along the lines of “Thank you for your application, but sorry we can’t approve you at this time”.
They are avoiding liability. Luckily I have a friend and she works in the credit division of a major bank you know they told me? They said the first thing they check is to see if the business is ranked on the 1st page of Google! I was dumbfounded, to say the least. They explained because if they are not on the 1st page, then it’s obvious they are not getting a lot of business.
This brings me to my next point.
There are 1000’s of Search Engine Optimization companies. You probably get calls and spam mail from them all the time each wanting between $500 – $1500 A MONTH! I want to tell you that this is also a scam. Who are these people with non-domain name email addresses? I digress, just because you can pay one company more than the another one does not make them a better company to use. My advice to you is as long as you are on page one, who cares what company you use.
I wanted to pass on to you the three companies that she has seen that are fast-tracking the funding for businesses. Check out the prices these companies charge in comparison. These are the VERY SAME ONES other businesses used to help get funded
See how easy it is? Even if you don’t have the time to do it yourself, just pay someone from your office a minimum hourly rate! They only need to spend four to six hours a month. I found one SEO company that is charging $800 is using 1st Page Google Rank Robot system. What he is basically doing is selling the service to you and pays them and then charges you $800 a month.
I know it’s a sound like an overwhelming prospect to get a loan or grant. I know you feel you need to hire someone to do all these things for you because you are worried you might mess up. So what? Even if you don’t get a loan or grant, you are still better off. When you do these things you save valuable money. Whatever happens, don’t let companies scam you with empty promises they have no control over.
Read more to find the other things businesses should put in place before they go for funding! Click here , it’s free!
Duncan Wierman helps small and medium sized businesses to develop online lead generation strategies that will make massive differences to sales revenues in your specific markets.