Hi guys, Kevin here. Thanks for checking out this article on Empower Network. Obviously if you’re reading this post – someone close to you or who you’ve maybe met at a networking event has suggested that you take a look at the Empower Network.
And, because you do your homework – you area asking a very important question:
Is the Empower Network A Scam?
First, let’s get the basics out of the way. In order to make an informed decision, we need to be sure you fully understand what the Empower Network is.
What Exactly The Empower Network?
Bottom line you need to “get” that when people ask the question: Is Empower Network a Scam – they have yet to figure out exactly what EN is all about.
Empower provides, at various price points, self-improvement and online marketing information. Affiliates get paid when others buy into these levels of education and training from them.
It’s just that simple!
Internet marketing professionals David Wood and David Sharpe launched the Empower Network on Halloween, October 31st 2011. As previously stated, Empower provides online marketing training and self-improvement knowledge.
To date, some 40,000 EN affiliates have joined the network and Empower Network has paid out more than $9 million in commissions.
Currently, the Empower Network ranks 541 in the world among websites and 201 in the US.
Folks, this is some serious fire power for those who choose to market their companies, sell affiliate programs, get publicity to their social causes and charities, or just share life stories! Google loves traffic and the Empower gets a ton of it!
I Know.
I Still Haven’t Answered the Is The Empower Network A Scam Question.
Allow me to say this. the Empower would hot have as much ongoing traffic as it does and would not have the massive growth and payout history it does if it were anything but REAL. So – is the Empower Network a Scam?
Absolutely not.
In fact, if you are open to an affiliate marketing program that brings in full time income and does NOT interfere with what you are already doing – the Empower Network may be a good fit for you.
Without question, as Empower pays you 100 percent commissions, you can safely say that it’s the most lucrative “affiliate” style program in the world!
We’ve cleared the whole “Is the Empower Network a Scam” deal, but at this point you may still be asking yourself exactly what Empower is. Here’s an overview for you.
Empower Network Overview
At its core, the Empower Network is a viral WordPress blogging platform. But what you get with Empower is a whole lot more than that.
Aside from a “done for your blog” that is up and ready to go for you in a matter of minutes, members and affiliates of the Empower are able to access online marketing and mindset training from some of the industry’s heavy hitters.
Heard of Daegan Smith, Kris Darty, Rob Fore, Tony Rush, or Lawrence Tam?
They are all in Empower Network and are doing very well.
These guys I just mentioned are big big big time online marketers, and it makes sense that they are earning massive monthly incomes with Empower. Their lists are huge and they totally get what it takes to market to their prospective peeps.
The Beauty of Empower Network is That It Does the Heavy Lifting For You!
Here’s the deal about getting leads through blogging. If you build your blog yourself, which we recommend that you do at some point, without any sort of marketing guidance working behind you. you are in for a ROUGH HAUL.
Blogging for Money and Leads Thing On My Own (WITHOUT EMPOWER !!!)
Trust me when I tell you this. It’s really true. I lived this nightmare.
I started blogging for leads and money 5 years ago.
From scratch.
First with Blogger.
Then with WordPress.com
Finally I moved to a self-hosted WordPress.org blog.
Bought the domain name.
Got my WordPress hosting up and running.
And then came the plugins, the updates, and the maintenance of the blog.
But, after a few months, I got the hang of it and eventually, I got REALLY REALLY GOOD at building blogs and getting posts on them to rank and generate leads.
But. I wrecked a few sites along the way, spent WAY to much time banging my head against the keyboard, and remained largely frustrated because I had NO ONE who would give me the straight story about how to market online!
So, I’m telling you from experience. hear me now. listen up.
Starting your own self-hosted blog from scratch and trying to compete on Google with the big boys can be very difficult.
This is important stuff.
You will have a VERY HARD TIME if you try and go head to head with the big online marketers on a WordPress blog you set up yourself. It will just take too long for Google to find you and recognize your blog as anything worth ranking.
But, because you are blogging on the Empower Network platform (platform just means a big fat blog with a lot of sub blogs nestled up under it), your posts automatically carry some of the weight Empower throws around.
As I mentioned, the Empower Network is essentially a viral blogging platform that sets you up with a ready to go, pre-installed, turnkey blogging tool that is loved and adored by Google Search Engines.
In effect, writing a blog post on the Empower Network platform – even an ugly one that is not especially clever, cool, or even nifty – is sort of like mouthing off in a bar with your long life homie Eric – the 2 time “World’s Strongest Man” champion – backing you up. No one is gonna mess with you and oh – you might meet some hot girls through your bro as well!
Yes, you read that right. Google Search LOVES Empower Network because the network has more than 40,000 bloggers putting up unique and interesting articles 7 days a week! That means tons of fresh content – each and every day – COMMANDING Google’s “bots” to scour the Empower Network and YOUR blog on the Empower Network at amazingly frequent intervals!
OK. Great. But How Can Empower Actually Help Me Earn?
By now, you are thinking something along the lines of “what does this magic Google monster bait creating blog thingy cost me? Because you know. nothing in life is free and all this online “buggity boo” (professional term. be careful with that one at home kids!) has got to have a hefty price tag, right?”
Wait for it.
Here you go.
Dave and Dave have created this traffic generating, Google Search engine bait flinging monster and they are allowing you to steal it for $25 a month, and you can get on board with it here.
That just happened.
The Complete Empower Blogging System Is Yours for Only $25
That’s right folks. Imagine the relief you will have when you pay $25 and get a “done for you” professionally optimized and ready to ROCK Empower Network blog.
$25 gets you in the door and you can be up and blogging for leads and money in a matter of minutes.
Nothing to install.
Just make a few changes like uploading a photo of yourself and decided how you want your name to appear.. and you’re off to the races!
Dave and Dave have thought of everything.
They even set up your RSS feed (the feed that people who like your stuff use to bookmark your blog on sites like Google Reader)
Your Empower Network blog comes with a Step by Step Search Engine Optimization (SEO) guide that tells you exactly how to make each blog post rank on Google.
“Share This” buttons are also ready to use, so your readers can share your posts with their friends!
To succeed with Empower Network, you just have to:
1) Blog Daily.
2) Tell Others.
3) Make Money.
So, what do you think? Pretty straight forward so far, right?
And it really is.
Folks, this system is EASY to master.
When you apply the training you get in the Empower Network back office, you’ll see just how much of a “TRUE SYSTEM” there is in place, and you will know you are finally in a place where you can learn to make real money online.
About Ray and KevinRay and Kevin run the Smash Marketing Team, a group of Empower Network professionals who build together and support each other to achieve maximum wealth and growth.Want to join one of the strongest and most supportive Empower Network Teams Online? Simply click this link and we’ll get you up and running!