When you are starting to market your website for the first time, it can be confusing to think about everything that is involved. You’re not an internet wizard–you’re probably just a “regular” small business owner who just wants to get your website on the map and ranking as high in Google as possible.

Article marketing is a great marketing tool for people with any level of internet marketing knowledge, even beginners. It is extremely user friendly, and you can get started doing it almost immediately. All you need to do to get started is to write an article on your niche and submit it to online publishers.

But is there anything else to consider to get the best results from your article marketing campaign? Yes, there is, and I’d like to share a few important points with you. I promise it’s not overly technical or hard, but this is information that you need to know in order to market your website successfully.

Cultivate A Diversity Of Links
First of all, you need to build links from a variety of sites, rather than all the same type. For example, if you only have links coming from articles that you posted on article directories, it can look suspect in Google’s eyes. You really want to think about building links from different types of sites, such as blogs, article directories, press release sites, and video sites.

Now, you can submit your articles to blogs and article directories (many blog owners look to free reprint articles to supplement the content that they post themselves), but in order to submit to a press release site you will need to create a press release (which is different than an article). And of course you would need to create videos in order to submit to video sites. Thankfully it is possible to morph your free reprint article into a press release or have it turned into a video, so you can “piggyback” some of your marketing efforts on the work you’ve already done for article marketing.

Make Your Own Website “Sticky”
Many times people think that the way to generate traffic to a website is to market it, without taking into consideration that the website needs to be worth marketing to begin with. You cannot take a lackluster site and make it reach #1 in Google simply by marketing it. The site has to contain relevant information that viewers find helpful. The more valuable the content on your site, the more that people will want to link to it. The more information that you provide on your niche, the more opportunities people will have to link to the pages on your site.

If you only have a home page, a page with contact information, and an “About Us” page, then you aren’t providing many opportunities or incentives for people to link to your site.

To increase the value and usefulness of your site, you might add a WordPress blog to it, which you regularly update with informational posts.
When looking at your site, you should ask yourself, “Are the pages on my website worth a top ranking in Google?” If not, then you have some work to do.
While marketing your website, your job will also be to continually work to create a better user experience and to create a website that inspires people to want to browse around.

Your First Steps In Internet Marketing:
1 – Work on building the valuable content on your own website. Put yourself in the shoes of your target customers and consider what you need to do to create a site that they would find interesting and valuable.
Set up a WordPress blog that you update regularly. You can make your blog and your article marketing efforts double-team each other.

2 – Begin article marketing. It shouldn’t be that much of a stretch after you get your blog going. First write your blog posts and publish them on your blog, then re-write the posts to submit as unique articles. Article marketing can be your main marketing technique that you do throughout the life of your business.

3 – Consider turning your free reprint articles into videos that you can use for video marketing.

4 – Re-write your articles so that they are in press release format, and submit them to press release sites.

It may take you a while to get all of these levels of marketing going, but the important thing is to be consistent, at least with your blog and your article marketing efforts. Gradually extend the reach of your internet marketing efforts, and you’ll see the payoff over time.

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