A common misconception is that weight lifting or strength training will cause people to gain weight and become bulkier. Many who think of strength training and weight lifting think of the massive muscles that bodybuilders train for and show off at shows and competitions. A lot of people (mainly ones who are inexperienced with fitness exercises) are worried that by incorporating strength training into their weekly routines they will gain weight and lose flexibility. My average yoga client likes to feel good about themselves when they go swimming, but many are concerned about building too much muscle. This should not be a concern. Building a lot of muscle takes years and years of correct exercise and massive calorific intake.

The average bodybuilder works out a lot in order to put on muscle size, plus they have to be on a very strict diet regimen with an emphasis on protein intake. It would take you a lot of effort to become as built as the average bodybuilder. This is because bodybuilders have to eat enough calories to go into calorific excess, simply put, they have to eat more calories than they burn with exercise. As they spend a lot of time in the gym, this is a lot of calories and is much more than a normal person would eat. So there is no need to worry about bulking too much unless you are eating a calorific excess everyday for months on end.

Many clients find that they can use free weights in order to maintain the muscle mass that they have or to add some muscle strength. Weight lifting is a great way to lose fat as after a workout, your body is still burning calories in order to repair the muscles you were exercising.

If you use them properly and alternate your strength training workout with some yoga or stretching exercises there is no risk of you bulking up too much. Many find that they enjoy the challenge of working out with weights. You will notice that the weight you work with will gradually increase, which feels terrific.

You should be careful when first starting weight training, as it is easy to sprain a muscle and hurt yourself if you start with a too much weight. A good rule of thumb is that if you think you can start out with a certain weight begin about five or even ten pounds lighter and progress from there. This also allows you to develop correct form for exercises which is incredibly important to avoiding injuries and targeting the correct muscles.

After a few months of training with weights, you will notice a difference in your yoga performance. Increased strength makes holding certain poses a lot easier and and what you once might of struggled on will feel a lot easier. So next time your at the gym doing some cardio exercises then give the weights a try, be consistent and see the results.

For more yoga and fitness related information please visit www.yogafitnessexercises.com

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