Here at shredder king we chose to share with you another types of shredders available to you. Shredders don’t just need to shred paper and can be used in all sorts of areas and environments. We’ve put together a small list of paper shredders and their uses. Home Shredders – Light and portable and used for shredding home utility bills, bank statements etc. These are normally not very large to be neatly tucked taken care of. Office Shredders – Some office paper shredders or industrial shredders can shred several sheets at any given time allowing you to quickly get rid of the any unwanted paper quickly. High Volume Shredders – These do exactly what is says on the container. They can shred a large volume of paper from high speed. Perfect for busy offices and therefore are usually classed as a good industrial shredder.

Cardboard industrial shredders – If your business own a stockroom and gets through a lot of cardboard or relies on packaging material to be filled into boxes than the usual cardboard industrial shredder can perform both. Once the cardboard box has been shredded the remains of the box can then be used as packaging. CD Shredders – With so much data on CD’s it is essential to destroy them properly. CD shredders will make light work on any CD and tend to be perfect to destroy any data on them. Home Paper ShreddersAlmost every other home in the united kingdom has a paper shredder. To help fight identity fraud and safely destroying any vital documents which are no longer required. Most shredders models are very lightweight and portable. They also vary in size and are not as large as industrial shredders (You will be pleased to know) to allow them to be moved around and emptied with ease.

Most can deal along with and shred staples as well as paper clips, so no need to struggle removing them. Most paper shredders also provide an auto function which if left in this position once the paper is inserted will quickly shred. They also have on/off control keys and reverse functions to assist clear those annoying document jams. Home shredders models come in a modern and clever designs and various colours, which will look great although not out of place in the office. Home paper shredders can be found is many different shredder kinds: Strip cut- which shreds the paper into strips of paper. Cross cut shredder- This is a more secure way of shredding documents since the paper shredder will shred the paper in a lot more smaller pieces.

There are several reasons why every home must have a paper shredder. Not only to be more efficient, at safely destroying unwanted documents. We all receive bank statements, credit card bills, tax and legal documents threw the post which all contain sensitive information, which we don’t want falling into the wrong hands. Office Paper ShreddersOffice shredders are an absolute must have in any office and therefore are designed for constant make use of. Most offices will have some type of industrial shredder, which can cope with the constant use. One great thing regarding industrial shredders is that they can cope with more say thanks to one piece of paper at any given time. Industrial shredders are a great deal larger and faster than a home paper shredder.

Some office shredders may also shred CDs, cardboard and DVDs. Industrial shredders are usually cross cut and gives the highest security. One thing to consider is the type of document you are going to shred within your workplace as there are various kinds of security levels for commercial shredders. They are: Confidential (Security Level DIN-3)Highly Confidential (Protection Level DIN-4)Top Secret (Security Level DIN-5)Maximum Security (Security Level HS-6)So take some time in choosing the correct shredder for the type of documents you deal along with. High Volume Paper ShreddersThese are designed to be in constant make use of. You can usually find them in medium to large offices not to mention anywhere that uses a lot of paper. An average high volume paper shredder are designed for 26 – 30 sheets at any given time.

Cardboard ShreddersIf you own or your company deals with a lot of cardboard boxes, the quickest way to eliminate them is to shred them. No longer will you have to worries about removing any sticky address labels and just just shred them. Industrial cardboard shredders can certainly shred large volume utes of cardboard easily. Once the cardboard has been shredder it makes the perfect packaging material to put inside a box to keep the actual contents safe. Industrial cardboard shredders are well suited for warehouse, packaging company or a delivery company. Cardboard shredders are a great way of recycling, and reusing cardboard containers. CD & DVD ShreddersTo free up space on any computer data may it be sensitive or not is sometimes transferred onto CDs or DVDs. CDs and DVDs can hold a great deal of data on, but are not used as much nowadays with the invention of the USB stick.

But if you do have a lot of stored data on discs they still must be destroyed correctly. A CD and DVD AND BLU-RAY shredder will happy destroy any CD effortlessly turning them into small bits of plastic. Industrial Paper ShreddersIndustrial paper shredders are perfect for any busy office and therefore are designed for extremely higher volumes of paper. Most industrial shredders can or perhaps a capable of shredding 100s of sheets at a time. Industrial shredders are used by large organisations that have to shred lots of paper waste. These are more the effective at shredding and completing wrecking any sensitive documents. Industrial shredders offer the highest level of protection towards ID theft or scams, as once the documents have been passed threw the shredder they’re turned into confetti. We hope you have discovered this industrial paper shredders article useful. There are more types of hsm paper shredders than you might have first thought, so make sure you choose the correct one for the business.

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