SMS message marketing is the latest and greatest way for businesses small and large alike to communicate with their customers. Although the technology has been in place for years it has only been in the last few years that companies have started to really use text messaging as a platform to market their products and services to their customers. This is because the last few years have seen a huge rise in the number of people owning phones as well as the introduction of smart phones with better screens which not only make reading a text better but also allow you to add in links to your website that customers will be able to follow. This rise in the number of people owning mobile phones has now coincided with a lower cost to send messages out to your customers which means that SMS message marketing is now truly easy to get started with no matter what business you have and what size it is.

If you are considering getting into SMS message marketing one of the most important things to do is to start building your list of customer’s phone numbers now. To be able to send out marketing messages by text you need to have the phone numbers of people who would like to receive updates and offers from you this way. The more people you have on your list the more effect your marketing will have on your business. It is important to look for as many opportunities to sign people up as possible. If a client of yours is likely to sign paperwork at some point during your transaction you can include asking for their mobile number and whether they’d like to receive occasional offers by text on this paperwork. This way all customers would have the option of signing up. But what if your business doesn’t require the customer to sign much paperwork? You will want to train your staff to ask people if they’d like to join your list and also integrate this form of marketing with other forms of marketing. So for example on your flyers you might have an option for people to text in to join your list in return for a larger discount on one of your popular products.

No matter how you are signing people up the best incentive for signing up is to offer them a reward for signing up which is good enough to attract people into giving their information away. If you are rewarding your clients with good information and deals then you will not only get them to sign up in the first place but you’ll be able to build strong loyalty ready for future purchases.

To know more about mobile marketing, please visit my website:

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