A lot of people have visited me and asked about how you can respond to a psychic attack. Psychic attacks can differ in type and power. Quite a few may be particularly vicious. In a particular example, the client worked in a clinic where there was a nurse who had been familiar with Voodoo magic. The Voodoo practioner was using the magic on patients and on the staff, essentially terrifying everyone she could. As so often with these types of circumstances, the culprit was finally uncovered. Being volunteered to fire the Voodoo using nurse, the client came to me to plead for help. The client’s co-workers had been offering her everything, from prayer to rosary beads in order to help her.
I began to examine the energy of both the situation and the woman directing the voodoo magic. To harmonize the negative energies coming from the psychic attack, I decided to utilize an ancient Egyptian approach I knew of. It involved guiding the energy the woman was giving out back to her. I sent the voodoo energy back to her. The reflected energy changed her almost immediately. The day before she was a very agressive and confrontation person who refused to leave, after the protection spell she suddenly became very unsure and frightened. She handed in her resignation and left, leaving the staff and patients in peace!
In the instance above, the psychic attack was a very strong, yet unusual form, but virtually each and every day, we receive some type of psychic attack. Most people do not realize that we are all under constant psychic attack each day to some degree. And sadly, unless you have done some major psychic or energy work, you may well be unconsciously psychically targeting others. Psychic attack is the focus of psychic energy towards a scenario or individual that has a negative basis. For instance, whenever you sense someone is mad or upset with you, they’re focusing a ‘psychic attack’ in your direction. And also at the same time, when you possess anger or bitterness toward someone else, you may be focusing your own personal “psychic attack” their way until you teach yourself not to.
Most of us have run into persons in our life who drain our energy field. You usually recognise these folks, mainly because once you are in their company for just about any stretch of time, you feel emotionally drained and worn out. They’re without conscious thought sucking energy, hence assaulting your auric field and capturing energy from you without your conscious permission. Usually, these individuals will not actually mean to do it. They are subconsciously throwing off this negative energy because they do not know any better.
Solutions to combat a psychic attack
Lots of people come to me asking regarding the types of methods to guarding themselves against psychic attack. Probably the most basic, yet crucial approach is to be in charge of your own thoughts and energy system. That fact that you are reading this and seeking a way to defend yourself means that you are most likely already a “sensitive”. Because you already have a heightened sensitivity to the feelings of others, your senses are much more alert than the majority of the population. At the same time, this means your energy will be stronger than most others, as well. This means you must be careful because if you begin to have negative feelings for another person, you may inadvertantly be directing your stronger energy at them in your own psychic attack.
All the ways to protect yourself and your energy field are too numerous to mention here. The most significant thing that you can remember for now, would be to learn to take heed to how your energy interacts with the world around you. Start noticing when and with whom you feel energized, and also who leaves you exhausted. I will be covering an important method in part two, so make sure to check back next week.