Film Treatment Format

There is no magical formula for writing a film treatment format. Format the film treatment according to its intended audience. There are two main audiences, the audience who will ultimately view the film and the audience person or people who will initially judge its...

Scientific Conference – Is It A Rewarding Experience

The major advances in sciences have prompted an explosion in the number of conferences conducted each year in different countries of the world. There cannot be better interactive session than the scientific conferences as they not only enhance the visibility of...

Should You Consider A Gap Year Before College

As a parent I used to worry that if my children didn’t go straight through college, they would never graduate. Now that they are all safely finished with college, and as a college-level educator with lots of older students in the classroom, I’m much more relaxed about...

Choosing College Courses And Selecting A Major

In a time of rising college tuition and higher rates on college loans, it seems prudent to decide on a major quickly and focus on the necessary courses. So many young people express concern about paying tuition for general courses, required for a degree, but in their...
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